Please see this notes for the April USWAC conference below.
A big stressor was on BMP maintenance, and that will be the theme for the APWA conference this fall. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Reviewed CPPs
One lot, under an acre residential sites that are part of a CPOD
Can have multiple
One permit for multiple lots, CGP
Don't need RSI
MS4s can deny CPP due to being close to a water body or steeper slopes - HIGH RISK SITES
Once the project is complete, it is no longer eligible for CPP (if there is an addition to the house, etc.) No requirement for permit coverage per state (local requirements)
Record snow year - website for discharge requirements & fact sheets (look for website this afternoon)
Snow storage & BMPs
Jordan River area updates will be coming out soon
P2 requires SOP for snow disposal
Tom Beesley - No changes to the LTSMP template
Recommendations made for updates, but nothing yet
Training programs
RSI - still being revised
MS4 unification committee: Nothing
News and updates
APWA - getting ready for next fall conference, first T/W of October (would especially like presentations for maintenance)
Trying to get someone from region 8 to be the key note speaker this year
Really want presentations on Maintenance!!!!
Stormwater Coalition
Water quality fair May 18th (online)
Golden Spike
Dan - Water fair today and yesterday
Summit County
LOTS of snow. Trails trash and tunes, May 20th
Davis County
Water fair next week T/W
Next meeting: May 10th