How to use Utilisync
- Key challenges to ms4:
perform activities and then document them
"A great hammer doesn't make a great carpenter but a great carpenter will always want to have a great hammer"
- It is an app to help you efficiently create and share inspection reports and other documents from a map.
- You can add a site contact, as many as you need, that way you can track what's happening with the action item, add a photo and see all the action items for the site.
- Action items are not going away unless the contractor take care of them.
- Contractors doesn't need any user or password, they just need to acces a link that goes to their emails, that will direct them to a pdf with all the information from the inspection.
- Add property owner as site contact
- Send reminders using notification template
- Track wich properties are past due
Through the app you can set up a dash for the annual report and have access for all the numbers you need.
Main difference between Utilisync and cGO
- Utilisync is GIS based / ms4 / contractor side
Regulations and update
Carl Adams:
jordan will be in charge of the industrial storm water permit
Tom Beesley:
The key is that the property owner fully understand what is this about.
Dan Woodbery:
Development of the RSI course
Presentation for the conference are welcome. Sumbit your presentation. 10 openings conference will be on 1st Tuesday of Oct.
SW coalitions
SL county: next Thursday, stormwater fair
Next meeting - Wednesday june 14th